The time has come! You keep saying to yourself “this is the year I WILL save for a ________”. Is it something small like a watch, purse or computer? Is it something huge and seemingly impossible like a down payment on a house? Have you never been able to fully commit and save consistently? Fear not friends! I got you! Seriously…this IS your year! Scroll down and print yourself off a few of these FREE printable savings trackers and stick ’em right on your wall! No…no…better yet… stick ’em on your fridge or right next to your coffee pot. You want to make sure these printable savings trackers smack you dead in the face at 5am when your rolling out of your bed to… ugh… get ready for work yet again. Let the motivation begin!
Take charge of your year! And your wallet! And your savings! Seriously, what are you waiting for?! Print these free savings trackers out now and find out all about how they work!

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Grab Your Free Printable Savings Trackers
It’s super simple you guys. I’ve uploaded these free printable savings trackers here into PDF versions so you can print them out right from your browser!
I’ve included a few different themes of trackers:
- The Summer Theme Printable Savings Tracker– Perfect for any summer or beach theme goal (or print it just cuz you like pineapples!). Ready to save for the down payment on a beach house? Or a new pool? Here ya go!
- The Fruit Theme Printable Savings Tracker– Perfect for anytime you just need light and bright…a little positivity in the form of fun fruit never hurt anyone!
- The Sky’s The Limit Theme Printable Savings Tracker– Because there is no limit to what you put your mind to!
- The Cash Theme Printable Savings Tracker– As Mr. Biggie himself says…mo’ money, mo’ problems, but saving for your future self ain’t one of them! Or…something like that!
Find the “Download Theme” button under each picture and click! A new window should pop up with the savings tracker you chose and print it out. Voila! The fun has now begun!
How to Use The Free Printable Savings Trackers in PDF
Simple. Print it out and stick it somewhere you can see all the time. The idea of writing something down leaves an imprint in your mind more than mentally opting in to do something. Pen to paper is better.
Name your fund- could be a House Savings Fund or could be an Adopt a Shelter Pet Fund. Write down the starting balance with the money you have already saved. If you have $0, find $5 in your checking account to reallocate! The most important one is next. Write down your goal! Each time you add money to the stash under your mattress or into your bank savings account, write it down on this savings tracker. Every time you withdraw money, write it down. The columns are pretty self explanatory.
As you go on and save more and more, you’ll start putting more thought into that withdraw column. Withdraw money from your house savings fund to get that massage that probably won’t help the least bit with your stress? Save the money and opt for some free meditation instead! Just saved you $150…$170 including tip- YOUR WELCOME!
Ways To Save Money
Ok, ok. This is probably the part you say “well that’s great to print this out and all, but I am tapped out each month and have nothing to save”. I got you there too, friend!
Check out some of our other posts below to get you started. These posts will help you start on creating a budget and finding a couple bucks here and there just by making a few simple switches in your daily routine!
Related Post: Download These Free Weekly Meal Planning Printables!
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I hope you printed a few of these savings trackers and stuck em' on your wall! Let us know what your saving for in the comments below!

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