DIY RV No Drill Paper Towel Holder

Now that we have been in our camper for a few months, we have gotten to the point where we wanted to make it functional, cozy, and well organized. We were so tired of the paper towel rolls being shoved into and out of the cabinet. They were taking up space inside the cabinet during travel. They were also hanging out on our small dining table and had an tendency to be knocked off and roll everywhere. Super annoying… It was time they needed a permanent home! Preferably without drilling since we wanted to place them right under our cabinets. So, we came up with this super quick and easy, absolutely no drill DIY paper towel holder!

5 RV Decor Ideas For A Warm And Cozy Camper

We have had our camper for a few months now. Up until this point, we were really just trying to get our bearings with it. You know…learning the RV beginner stuff. But, as soon as I saw that post, I was immediately itching to run to the store for some décor! In 2.5 months, we will be living in our RV for about a month traveling the southeast U.S. It only makes sense to start making it homey! My daughter and I went out home décor shopping that weekend and got a few things. It was only like 6 items that we got, but they immediately made our camper warm and cozy. Well, here we give you 5 things you can do today to add some warm and cozy to your camper!

Family Meal Planning Tips for RV Living

Speaking of all the things…meal planning is one of those things that I do each week for our family. I know, I know…just add it to the list! But, I wanted to share with you how I keep myself sane when it comes to family meal planning that makes our meals simple and easy during the week. I have started using this system of meal planning and prepping for our weekend RV trips which has been a lifesaver for our small fridge. It also allows us to relax while we are at our campsite and not think about what our next meal is going to be

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